فتحات العرب Joomla! • Index page: Performance - Joomla! 3.x • Re: Godaddy, are they still really that bad?

Monday, April 20, 2015

Performance - Joomla! 3.x • Re: Godaddy, are they still really that bad?

mikerotec wrote:

I have to chip in and say "never again" for godaddy hosting.

For years I had their 'deluxe linux' shared hosting, and it was actually pretty serviceable.
Till about the 8th time they hot migrated (without even giving me a headsup) my sites to a different server.

Apparently they had recently trained a monkey to use FTP, but didn't advise him or her that it's possible to somehow hide all the '.whatever' files from your FTP client. Because they migrated all of my sites SANS .htaccess (etc!).
Instant death to half a dozen sites >:(

They never did own up to it, but that's clearly what happened.

I have been a very happy client of http://ift.tt/1cjYyyc ever since that godaddy debacle..

Mikerotec, thank you posting this and pity that you had such a bad experience :(

Statistics: Posted by kdaniel171 — Mon Apr 20, 2015 10:23 am

via Joomla! http://ift.tt/1OxAB7m

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