hmm, I discovered, that the 1000 files I have posted to joomlacode.org are only the "active" files - not all the tree of obsolete versions (which are asked by many users too).
So the questions:
Which way will Joomla! core files migrated? To which server?
I have tried to run somehow this:
http://ift.tt/1BUR0Mx ... gforge.php
but without any success.
Are there any more detailed information? I think, on joomlacode.org there is such large source of useful files that I will be not the only one who needs to solve this issue.
If anybody plans to do some helpful scripts, please let me know - I can participate on this (developing or testing).
Thank you, Jan
You fully right, "JoomlaCode is closing" is really not good PR message for the project and it both cases:
1) as the header of article
2) as the fact that some core service will be moved outside - e.g. instead evolving it with "extensions market" services, etc. etc.
:-( :-(
via Joomla! http://ift.tt/18NWSjt
hmm, I discovered, that the 1000 files I have posted to joomlacode.org are only the "active" files - not all the tree of obsolete versions (which are asked by many users too).
So the questions:
Which way will Joomla! core files migrated? To which server?
I have tried to run somehow this:
http://ift.tt/1BUR0Mx ... gforge.php
but without any success.
Are there any more detailed information? I think, on joomlacode.org there is such large source of useful files that I will be not the only one who needs to solve this issue.
If anybody plans to do some helpful scripts, please let me know - I can participate on this (developing or testing).
Thank you, Jan
You fully right, "JoomlaCode is closing" is really not good PR message for the project and it both cases:
1) as the header of article
2) as the fact that some core service will be moved outside - e.g. instead evolving it with "extensions market" services, etc. etc.
:-( :-(
Statistics: Posted by H13 — Wed Feb 04, 2015 5:17 pm
via Joomla! http://ift.tt/18NWSjt
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