فتحات العرب Joomla! • Index page: General Questions/New to Joomla! 3.x • Duplicate entry error on login

Thursday, September 4, 2014

General Questions/New to Joomla! 3.x • Duplicate entry error on login

Hello - I recently did a fresh install of 3.3.3 and am having some problems while logging in. I am using JFusion to do dual login between phpbb3 and the main portion of the website.

I've got a couple of issues that I suspect are related...

When I login from the phpbb forum and select the remember me checkbox I receive an error like the following...

Duplicate entry '' for key 'series' SQL=INSERT INTO `dyg_user_keys` SET `user_id` = 'pironix' , `series` = '' , `uastring` = '813eef27e3894791b275810e2a9d8e9f' , `time` = 1415024108 , `token` = '$2y$10$mO6XmuFKaNjNdbHr03DF2.VoXeTY5w4mrxhT1paN7RtrnSNeW2F9u'

If I reload the page it seems to log me in.

The other issue I am seeing is that if I log out of phpbb3, I do not get logged out of the main site. As soon as I refresh the main site's page I am automatically logged back into phpbb3 as well - thinking the session isn't really being cleared when I log out of the forum.

So far I have tried to analyze/repair the dyg_user_keys table, as well as emptying both that table and the dyg_sessions table with no luck...

Appreciate any suggestions you all may have, thanks!

Statistics: Posted by Pironix — Thu Sep 04, 2014 2:17 pm

via Joomla! http://ift.tt/1xftCfV

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